Something is Wrong

As more of us begin to realise that something is not right with the world, we are not only starting to ask questions, but also look for answers.

With so many theories out there, what do we take as true?  
From Alex Jones to Alan Watt and Finton Dunne to David Icke, you could say the camp is divided, however, one thing im sure we all agree on is that " SOMETHING IS WRONG"

My thoughts on each subject i will try to convey in an unbiased manner, as and when able to, all i ask that you comment and leave feedback, positive or negative, if only so that i myself can begin to understand more.

I tend to fall more into the "We are one collective conciousness camp"

Welcome to my blog

Thanks for reading


Monday, December 28, 2009


A history as tormenting, as it is old,
From Axis to Aly and Soviet stronghold,
A place no longer divided by stone,
Now free to roam, almost twenty years gone,
Scholars of Humboldt include, Einstein and Grimm,
They bring us relativity and Rumpelstiltskin,
"Den opvern von kreig und gewalteherrschaft"
No lesson learned, no way to advance,
Why burn all the books? The greatest of sin,
Pre warning from Heiner, how many did burn?
Unter den linden, cemented and closed,
Ghostly like rumble from free trains below,
Once soldiers opposed at the Brandenburg gate,
November 89, no more reason to hate,
Two parties, no different, same goal they aspired,
Flash point in time, patsy........Reichstag fire,
Two thousand four hundred? Number a mystery,
Location so strange, no working camps here,
Jewish memorial, Symbolic, well kept,
Bunker die Fuhrer, unmarked and unswept.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


They say that "all roads lead to Rome",
Cobbles to the biggest lie,
Egyptian male is everywhere,
Pointing homeward, never clearer,
Hidden knowledge? handed down?
Its use again will soon be known.

Resting place of kings and artist,
More spiritual than that of Pontiff,
Life inhaled cannot depart,
Symbolic falice standing guard,
Souls reside with Saints anD MarTyrs,
Far away from Nikon flashes,

"That men could build such" still astounds,
Centuries on no second glance,
Bread and circus era's old,
Roma, Lazio.......for the prole,
The working man can't see the truth,
The answer lies within.